Encryption and Decryption implement using EncryptDecryptA143mk jar
In this post, we will learn how we can implement String/Password Base64 Encrypt and Base64 Decrypt as well as Hexadecimal (Base 16) Encrypt and Hexadecimal (Base 16) Decrypt with the help of a jar which is EncryptDecryptA143mk.jar
Consists of 4 functions/methods understand its working as follows.
Create this Main Method, you can use this code in function/methods as per You wish.Important Information: we do this type of development/implement to provide security to the online user in the web application or other user application like online platform, your personal information like password is neither in the database of the online platform nor with anyone else.
Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. The term Base64 originates from a specific MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) content transfer encoding.The encoded string with above characters is safe to be transferred over network supporting text data without fear of losing data in confusion of control characters.It is most popular form of the “Base Encoding”.
The following is the character subset of US-ASCII that is used for Base64.
[a-z] – 26 characters
[A-Z] – 26 characters
[0-9] – 10 characters
[+] - 1 character [filler character]
[/] - 1 character [filler character]
[=] - Used for Padding purposes, as explained later.
Encoding a string to base 64
This is as simple as getting an instance of encoder and input the string as bytes to encode it.
Decoding a string to base 64
This is also very simple. Just get the instance of Base64.Decoder and use it to decode the base 64 encoded string.
Encoded value is TWFub2pAS3VtYXIuY29t
Decoded value is Manoj@kumar.com
Original value is Manoj@kumar.com
The following is the character subset of US-ASCII that is used for Base64.
[a-z] – 26 characters
[A-Z] – 26 characters
[0-9] – 10 characters
[+] - 1 character [filler character]
[/] - 1 character [filler character]
[=] - Used for Padding purposes, as explained later.
Encoding a string to base 64
This is as simple as getting an instance of encoder and input the string as bytes to encode it.
Decoding a string to base 64
This is also very simple. Just get the instance of Base64.Decoder and use it to decode the base 64 encoded string.
Encoded value is TWFub2pAS3VtYXIuY29t
Decoded value is Manoj@kumar.com
Original value is Manoj@kumar.com
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