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Digital Steganography With Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication Project For Students

The project here can be a minor and major project for final year students, and given in school and college by learning the project itself through videos.
Maintaining secrecy is very important in a large corporation and because of the intelligent of the hackers it becomes tedious. Already we have encryption for transmitting secret information. Even though encryption successfully transmitting secret information, it will give a suspicion to the hackers and it affects unintended users. Our project, DIGITAL STEGANOGRAPHY WITH Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication overcomes this factor and it gives a solution for transmitting secret formation with out affecting 
 Unintended users. Steganography uses multimedia data as a covering medium (Covering secret information). By using steganography data (secret information) can hided with in 
Data (multimedia data, here multimedia data is an image) and it can be sent anywhere to transfer the message easily without giving any suspicion to others.

Follow Steps by Steps 

Clock Design and Development Using Html, CSS, javaScript

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Clock are useful elements for any UI if used in a proper way. Clock can be used in sites where time is the main concern like some booking sites or some app showing arriving time of train, buses, flights, etc. clock is basically of two type, analog and digital. 
  • Earlier too, it was told about digital clock development which is on this link Digital Clock
  • We will be looking at making a analog clock development.
Approach: The approach is to use the date object to get time on every second and then re-rendering time on the browser using the new time that we got by calling the same function each second.
Example: we are going to Step by Step Development of Online Watch with the Help of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Step 1.You have to create watch.html Page after follow code.

The output of this program will be like the clock shown in the header above.

Online Hostel Management System Project For Students


Here we gladly present this project report on “ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” as part of the Technical Education in All Stream. At this time of submitting this report we use this opportunity to mention those people who with us along the work. We take this occasion to thank God, almighty for blessing us with his grace and taking our endeavor to a successful culmination. We extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to our esteemed guide, Mr. xyz . for providing us with the right guidance and advice at the crucial junctures and for showing us the right way. We extend our sincere thanks to our respected Head Of the Division Mr. xyz, for allowing us to use the facilities available. We would like to thank the other faculty members also, at this occasion. Last but not the least; we would like to thank friends for the support and encouragement they have given us during the course of our work.

Project Configuration and Management Video

Online Snake Game

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The game involves controlling a single block or snakehead by turning only left or right and up or down arrow key on keyboard by ninety degree until you manage to eat an fruets When you get the grout, the Snake grows an extra block or body segment.
Example: we are going to Step by Step Development of Online Snake Game with the Help of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Step 1. You have to create img folder and you can Download Number of images or background music file. Download Project Folder
Step 2. mKsnStyl.css
Step 3. mkSnkjavaScrip.js
Step 4. Snack.html


Download Game Project


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The Fingerprint Application has been created, with the Compare a unique identity to all Fingerprints. The Application proposes to use biometric capture 2 Image And Press compare Button.
Application Code:
1. FingerMatchDemo.java

2. MyBase64.java

OutPut Is:

Paint Application

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A simple Paint Application program that is a first demonstration of using an off-screen canvas. This class can be run as a main program and has a nested class PaintApp. Applet that can be used as an applet.



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Desktop Game Application, Open NetBeans See The Menu Bar go to the file Menu Click on the New Project(Ctrl+Shift+N) and Select Left site categories JavaFX and Project categories to Right Site Project JavaFX Application .You have to give The Program Name "PuzzleGame". if you wont to save Project Location you can Browse and File save on the direction place and Gone a default Place and Now uncheck/check the Main Class and then press the Finish button.you can see the project Status.

Implement Game Code:



Digital Clock Application, Open NetBeans See The Menu Bar go to the file Menu Click on the New Project(Ctrl+Shift+N) and Select Left site categories JavaFX and Project categories to Right Site Project JavaFX Application .You have to give The Program Name "DigitalClock". if you wont to save Project Location you can Browse and File save on the direction place and Gone a default Place and Now uncheck/check the Main Class and then press the Finish button.you can see the project Status.

