Digital Steganography With Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication Project For Students
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Clock Design and Development Using Html, CSS, javaScript
Clock are useful elements for any UI if used in a proper way. Clock can be used in sites where time is the main concern like some booking sites or some app showing arriving time of train, buses, flights, etc. clock is basically of two type, analog and digital.
- Earlier too, it was told about digital clock development which is on this link Digital Clock
- We will be looking at making a analog clock development.
Step 1.You have to create watch.html Page after follow code.
The output of this program will be like the clock shown in the header above.
Online Hostel Management System Project For Students
Here we gladly present this project report on “ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” as part of the Technical Education in All Stream. At this time of submitting this report we use this opportunity to mention those people who with us along the work. We take this occasion to thank God, almighty for blessing us with his grace and taking our endeavor to a successful culmination. We extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to our esteemed guide, Mr. xyz . for providing us with the right guidance and advice at the crucial junctures and for showing us the right way. We extend our sincere thanks to our respected Head Of the Division Mr. xyz, for allowing us to use the facilities available. We would like to thank the other faculty members also, at this occasion. Last but not the least; we would like to thank friends for the support and encouragement they have given us during the course of our work.
Online Snake Game
The game involves controlling a single block or snakehead by turning only left or right and up or down arrow key on keyboard by ninety degree until you manage to eat an fruets When you get the grout, the Snake grows an extra block or body segment.
Step 1. You have to create img folder and you can Download Number of images or background music file. Download Project Folder
Step 3. mkSnkjavaScrip.js
Step 4. Snack.html
Implement Game Code: