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Type Casting and Conversion

Assigning a value of one type to a variable of another type is known as Type Casting. In Java, type casting is classified into two types,

Widening or Automatic type conversion: Automatic Type casting take place when, the two types are compatible and the target type is larger than the source type.
Narrowing or Explicit type conversion:When you are assigning a larger type value to a variable of smaller type, then you need to perform explicit type casting.
Working Flow chart

Different Cases of Explicitly and Implicit
Case 1:

All Statement is true.
Case 2:

Thread Line is not compile, Error is possible loss of precision.
Case 3:

Thread Line is not compile, Error is possible loss of precision.
Forth Line is compile and run.
Case 4:

All Statement is true.
Case 5:

Thread Line is not compile, Error is possible loss of precision.
Forth Line is compile and run.
Case 6:

Thread Line is not compile, Error is possible loss of precision.
Forth Line is compile and run.
Case 7:

Thread Line is not compile, Error is possible loss of precision.
Forth Line is compile and run.
Case 8:

Thread Line is not compile, Error is possible loss of precision
Forth Line is compile and run
Case 9:

Thread Line is not compile, Error is possible loss of precision
Forth Line is compile and run
Case 10:

Thread Line is not compile, Error is possible loss of precision.
Forth Line is compile and run.
Case 11:

Thread Line is not compile, Error is possible loss of precision.
Forth Line is compile and run.
Case 12:

All Statement is true.
Case 13:

All Statement is true.
Case 14:

Thread Line is not compile, Error is possible loss of precision.
Forth Line is compile and run.