Simple LDAP sign-on Authentication Using Ldap-a143mkJar
- A143mkLdapConnection(ldapUrl, ldapDnConn, userEmailId, password);
LDAP Authentication with Spring Boots
The client (an LDAP-ready system or application) sends a request to access information stored within an LDAP database. The client provides their LDAP server user credentials (username and password). The LDAP server cross-checks the user’s submitted credentials against the core user identity data stored in its LDAP database. If the provided credentials match the stored core user identity, the client can access the requested information. Incorrect credentials will lead to denied access to the LDAP database.
ldap.enable=true |
/ disable LDAP support. |
ldap.ldapUrl=ldap://HostIP:389 |
URL/IP to your LDAP server, including port |
ldap.ldapSystemDN=cn=Administrator,dc=olattest,dc=org |
user: used for getting all users and connection testing |
ldap.ldapSystemPW=mySuperPassword |
LDAP password of the system user |
ou=person,dc=olattest,dc=org |
of bases where to find users. To use multiple bases you must edit the config
file manually |
= false |
SSL connection |
ldap.trustStoreLocation=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/lib/security/cacerts |
of the Java trust store |
ldap.trustStorePwd=changeit |
Java trust store password |
ldap.trustStoreType=JKS |
Java trust store type |
ldap.cacheLDAPPwdAsOLATPwdOnLogin=true |
users log in via LDAP, the system can keep a copy of the password as
encrypted hash in the database. This makes OLAT more independent from an
offline LDAP server and users can use their LDAP password to use the WebDAV
functionality. When setting to true (recommended), make sure you
configured password.change.allowed=false |
ldap.convertExistingLocalUsersToLDAPUsers=true |
the system detects an LDAP user that does already exist in OLAT but is not
marked as LDAP user, the OLAT user can be converted to an LDAP managed user.
When enabling this feature you should make sure that you don't have a user
'administrator' in your ldapBases (not a problem but not recommended) |
ldap.deleteRemovedLDAPUsersOnSync=false |
that have been created vial LDAP sync but now can't be found on the LDAP
anymore can be deleted automatically. If unsure, set to false and delete
those users manually in the LDAP administration panel. |
ldap.deleteRemovedLDAPUsersPercentage=50 |
check when deleteRemovedLDAPUsersOnSync is set to 'true': if more than the
defined percentages of user accounts are not found on the LDAP server and
thus recognized as to be deleted, the LDAP sync will not happen and require a
manual triggering of the delete job from the admin interface. This should prevent
accidential deletion of OLAT user because of temporary LDAP problems or user
relocation on the LDAP side. Value= 0 (never delete) to 100 (always delete). |
ldap.ldapSyncOnStartup=true |
users be created and synchronized automatically on startup? If you set this
and the cron configuration to false, the users will be generated on-the-fly
when they log in the first time. |
ldap.ldapSyncCronSync=true |
users be created and synchronized periodically, not just during startup? If
you set this and the startup configuration to false, the users will be
generated on-the-fly when they log in the first time. |
0 * * * ? |
the rule how often the LDAP synchronization should take place. Default is
every hour. For the cron syntax see quartz cron syntax documentation |
ldap.ldapUserObjectClass=person |
for syncing user attributes during login or cron and batch sync. The user
object class to use. |
ldap.ldapUserCreatedTimestampAttribute=createdTimestamp |
LDAP attribute that tells the creation date of the LDAP user. In active
Directory this is typically "whenCreated", in OpenLDAP
"createdTimestamp". If not available, use the same as for the last
modified date. |
ldap.ldapUserLastModifiedTimestampAttribute=modifyTimestamp |
LDAP attribute that tells the creation date of the LDAP user. In active
Directory this is typically "whenChanged", in OpenLDAP
"modifiedTimestamp" |
ldap.attributename.useridentifyer=uid |
of the LDAP user identifyer to an OLAT user. In Active Directory this is
typically "sAMAccountName", in OpenLDAP "uid". | |
of the mandatory OLAT user properties. In this example the LDAP attribute
"mail" will be mapped to the OLAT user property "email" |
ldap.attributename.firstName=givenName |
of the mandatory OLAT user properties. In this example the LDAP attribute
"givenName" will be mapped to the OLAT user property
"firstname" |
ldap.attributename.lastName=sn |
of the mandatory OLAT user properties. In this example the LDAP attribute
"sn" will be mapped to the OLAT user property "lastName" |
olatprovider.enable=false |
the normal OLAT login screen. When you
set ldap.cacheLDAPPwdAsOLATPwdOnLogin=true, a fallback to the normal
OLAT login is made in case the LDAP server can not be reached. You can set
this variable also to true to have the OLAT and the LDAP login screen
available |
default.auth.provider=LDAP |
the LDAP login screen as the default login screen. |
- Create Spring Boot Java (Microservices) Project Example
- Project Name: LdapAuthenticationConfigSpringBoots.
- Group:Ldap-Auth-a143mk.
- Artifactid:Ldap-Auth-a143mk.
- Description:Learn-Configure LDAP Authentication.
- Package:LDAPAutha143mk.
- Spring Web
- Spring ldap
- ldapsdk
- ldap security
while creating the project pom.xml file and some maven dependency, main class is automatically created when web add any dependency like.
Create ldap-data.ldif :
Directory Server uses LDAP Data Interchange Format is a standard text format for representing LDAP objects and LDAP updates (add, modify, delete, modify DN) in a textual form.
WebSecurityConfig ClassCreate new package, named LDAPAutha143mk.config. In this package, create Configuration class name is as below:
Create Controllers
Create new package named LDAPAutha143mk.controller. In this package, create new java class named