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Java Programming

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Programming Language JAVA Environments:
JDK: The Java Development Kit (JDK) is an Implementation of either one of the JAVA SE, JAVA EE, and JAVA ME Platforms released by Oracle Corporation in the form of a binary Product aimed at java Developers on Solaris, Linux, Mac OS or Windows. The JAVA includes a private JVM and a few other resources to finish the recipe to a java Application. Since the introduction of the java platform, it has been by far the most widely used software Development Kit (SDK).

JRE: The JAVA Runtime Environment (JRE) is used to provide runtime environment. It is implementation of JVM. It contains set of Libraries + other Files that JVM uses at Runtime.
JVM are available for many hardware and Software Platforms. JVM, JRE, And JDK are platform independent because configuration of each OS differs. But JAVA is Platform independent.
JVM: A Java virtual Machine (JVM) is an abstract computer Machine. There are three Nodes of The JVM.
1. Specification
2. Implementation
3. Instance
An instance of the JVM can execute any executable computer program compiled into java byte code. It is the execution component of the java Platform.
The JVM Performs Following main tasks: Loads Code, Verifies Code, Executes Code, Provides runtime Environment.

JVM Provides Definitions for the Memory area, Class-file Format, Register Set, Garbage-Collector, Heap, Fatal Error Reporting.
Internal Architecture of JVM:

Class Loader: Class Loader is a Subsystem of JVM That is used to load Files.
Class (Method) Area: Class (Method) Area Stores Per-class structures such as the run-time constant pool, field and method data, the code for method.
Heap: It is the run-time data area in which objects are allocated.
Stack: Java Stack stores Frames. It holds local variables and partial results, and plays a part in Method invocation and return. Each thread has a private JVM stack, created at the same time as thread.
Program Computer (PC) Register: It Contains the address of the JVM instruction currently being executed.
Native Method Stack: IT Contains all the native methods used in the application.
Execution Engine: Those are A virtual Processor,
Interpreter: Read Byte code stream then execute the instructions, Just-In-Time (JIT) Compiler.
Programming Process Follow: JDK->JRE->JVM

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