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Clock Design and Development Using Html, CSS, javaScript

1 comment :
Clock are useful elements for any UI if used in a proper way. Clock can be used in sites where time is the main concern like some booking sites or some app showing arriving time of train, buses, flights, etc. clock is basically of two type, analog and digital. 
  • Earlier too, it was told about digital clock development which is on this link Digital Clock
  • We will be looking at making a analog clock development.
Approach: The approach is to use the date object to get time on every second and then re-rendering time on the browser using the new time that we got by calling the same function each second.
Example: we are going to Step by Step Development of Online Watch with the Help of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Step 1.You have to create watch.html Page after follow code.

The output of this program will be like the clock shown in the header above.

1 comment :

  1. Clock Program and Header output clock good


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