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Social Client Login with OAuth2 Spring Boot Application

First of all you have to take auth2 access to the social web site, we see it in the video, then we will create a services and test it and see some services we learned in the previous post, we will give their link below which includes Eureka (client-1, client-2)ApiGetway, services.

Add client and secret Id in ApiGetway application.properties  file:

spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.Oauth2_Security.client-id = Write your Client ID spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.Oauth2_Security.client-secret = Write your Secret ID

Add use Dependency in ApiGetway pom.xml  file:

Add New Package in ApiGetway-> com.javatechie.spring.zulu.api.cofig and create SecurityConfiguration.java file.

See the video step by step to run/learn past post video and current configuration post.

How to Develop Some Other Rest API How to Develop Eureka Server and Eureka Client Configuration How to Develop GateWayAPI How to get Google Token


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