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Simple LDAP sign-on Authentication Using Ldap-a143mkJar

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LDAP sign-on is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID to any of several related, independent, software systems or web applications. In this post user will login through Outlook Mail. Ldap-a143mkJar.jar
Process of Ldap sign-On (LSO) Authentication:

Download the jar file and implement some methods / functions have been used, the names of the methods are as follows:

Call Class object LdapClient ldapClientClass=new LdapClient();
  1. A143mkLdapConnection(ldapUrl, ldapDnConn, userEmailId, password);
There are some parameters in methods, which we initialize by creating configuration object like this.

String ldapUrl= "ldap://"; 
String lDapDnConn="dc=domainName,dc=com"; 
String userEmailId="EmailMail@mailDomen.com"; 
String password="mailPassword"; 

How to create a project/main class/other class to follow us.

while creating the controller/main class Ldapconn.java.

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